“Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty?”* I went to the Musee D’Orsey in Paris to see my Manet, Monet and Renoir and the rest of the Impressionists I have been studying for … Continue reading
Category Archives: Outlook
A painting is good not because it looks like something, but because it feels like something.* Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.** These days I … Continue reading
As you know Hinduism teaches that each of us has lived for many lifetimes. This, of course, is the cycle of birth and death, and the process of moving from one lifetime to the next is called reincarnation. This you … Continue reading
I personally find all this discussion about pravriti and nirvriti to be boring and so I am eager to get on with the specifics of my story. However, without some understanding of the rationale behind asceticism and renunciation you may … Continue reading
I have told you many negative things about Krishna Consciousness and I am sorry to say there is more to come. So you may wonder why I would stay so many years. But Krishna Consciousness has another side, an extremely … Continue reading
This week I made two new posts. After posting these installments I felt uncomfortable. Am I publishing information that is too personal? I am making myself naked before the world? In the past I have written only academic and technical … Continue reading
In the matter of aesthetics, rasa theory, Sanskrit has a precise vocabulary. The various “tastes” have been analyzed and named in great detail. Sometimes the word rasa is translated as mellow or mood, but I will primarily translate the word as taste. The taste … Continue reading
Anna, during a recent trip into Mexico to perform a wedding, I found myself at a posh resort hotel with a 150 people who were there exclusively to enjoy. I was there to work, they were there to party. On … Continue reading
The most fearful thing is to live without fear. It is out of fear that we willingly place ourselves under the power of others. It is out of fear that we relinquish our natural rights, and it is out of … Continue reading
At a recent temple board meeting one of our members made an interesting statement. This was during a discussion on the priest’s role in different temple meetings, some of which are held exclusively amongst ladies. This member said, “A priest … Continue reading