August 25, 2012 Houston TX I write this from my hotel room in Houston, Texas. Last week I was in Boston, this week I am in Houston. Boston unlike Houston is a place where I could live. The differences between … Continue reading
August 22, 2012 Boston Massachusetts Surviving Boston One of the great things about my position in life is that I get to go to faraway places and perform beautiful ceremonies for families. I do weddings. In this latest wedding my … Continue reading
August 6, 2012 Riverside CA Last evening I stayed up and watched the rover, Curiosity, land on Mars. It was a spectacular feat of engineering to land this 1000 pound vehicle on a planet hundreds of thousands of kilometers away … Continue reading
October 5, 2011 We got the sad news today, Steve jobs, founder of Apple, has passed away. He’d been ailing for a few years and was finally overcome. He was still young in relative terms, but apparently somebody wanted him … Continue reading
5/4/12 I wonder how many suicides the average person gets to experience in a lifetime? How many people have you talked down from the ledge? I’ve had to deal with four so far. There was the astrologer in Canada whose … Continue reading
Breathing in Kauai November 4, 2011 This morning I spent over two hours with the families preparing the details for tomorrow’s wedding. After that I drove a few places around the island. It’s beautiful beyond comparison, but I think the … Continue reading
January 6, 2012 Rimrock California Yesterday I went to Santa Anita with my wife, which is a large racetrack in the Los Angeles area. A racetrack is not a place I would ordinarily visit, but there are parts of my … Continue reading
4/28/11 Dear Radhika, A university education should never be wasted on a job. When I heard that you had been selected for Berkeley and that you had elected to attend this school, I was delighted. Berkeley is a top school, … Continue reading
February 4, 2012 Riverside CA These days the news is mostly about the Republican Party and the selection of its candidate for the upcoming presidential election. It seems that Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate. However, there is a … Continue reading
12/8/11 To my student, I’m glad you had a good time over Thanksgiving with your parents, yet I’m not surprised you have received a letter from your father. I don’t know the details of your father’s letter, but I do … Continue reading