Chicago September 21, 2011 The skyscrapers of Chicago are beautiful. In Manhattan they are so packed together you can get no perspective to see what they actually looks like. But here in Chicago, because they’re spread out you have space … Continue reading
September 22, 2011 The Art Institute of Chicago is one of the premier world galleries. It is worth coming to Chicago just to see this magnificent collection. One of the joys in life is to have studied a work of … Continue reading
9/24/2011 I came to Chicago to perform a wedding on Saturday so I arrived late Tuesday to spend a few days touring Chicago, and in particular to see the famous Art Institute of Chicago. I came to practice the ways … Continue reading
Last night I went to Rossin’s Barber of Sevilla in San Francisco. I flew up just for this show, which in it self is amazing. In a word, the opera was awesome! This was my first live operatic experience and … Continue reading
08/23/13 Yesterday Radhika and I went by train to Union Station in downtown Los Angeles. Driving on the way to the train we stopped at Victoria Gardens in Rancho Cucamonga and had breakfast, just the two of us. It was … Continue reading
Yesterday I took a tour of the Campbellford area to visit all the places I used to frequent as a boy. I started with a stop at the cattle auction in Hoards Station and sampled cheese at the English Line … Continue reading
If there is anything I have learned in recent years, it is to dine like the French, that is to say, to sit in a café and slowly and peacefully enjoy one’s meal. And what makes this even more enjoyable … Continue reading
Let me expand on the French success occurring in Québec City. It hinges on Bill 101, The Quebec Charter of the French Language Act of 1977. The preamble of this Charter states that the National Assembly resolved “To make French … Continue reading
August 12/13 Crest cafe RS Why the hell is Russia so damn different than the rest of the West? It annoys the hell out of me. Since my trip to Russia I have become a Russia observer of sorts. The … Continue reading
Yesterday we arrived in Québec City on a tiny United Airlines jet. I’ll take a small jet any day over a large one. It was a relaxing flight compared to the red eye from the night before. That was nightmarish. … Continue reading