Friday, March 25, 2005 10:03:00 PM Today was a very special day. Our house arrived in the desert. It came in two sections, the first one arrived at 4 AM and the second one at 7 AM. The first section … Continue reading
There is a common hymn sung in many Hindu temple that goes as follows: guru brahma guru vishnu, guru devo maheshvara, guru sakshat param brahma, tasmai shri guruve namaha. Most people have no understanding of these words, but in essence … Continue reading
There is a raging controversy in this country over the life of a middle aged woman named Terri Schiavo. Mrs. Schiavo has been lying in a vegetative state for the past 15 years, but recently her husband won the legal … Continue reading
In the eyes of the Dallas temple Kama Nagari and I were married on the day that the notice appeared on the community board. May 25th, 1975 comes to mind. Later we bought a car and drove to Miami where … Continue reading
Here are some things you should never do: ask a girl to marry you after only two weeks, buy a car and spend all of your money to drive 2500 kilometers across the country to meet her family, get married … Continue reading
The sun did not rise in Dallas until much later than I was accustomed to in Toronto. This meant that the morning japa (chanting) time did not occur until after 7:30 AM and so the daily scripture class was held … Continue reading
“It’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living.”* I grew up in Canada as the oldest of two sons. My brother John is three and a half years younger. Considering that I became a … Continue reading
Dear Radhika, Now to answer your question: Do I believe in God? From the perspective of my beliefs the answer is simple: I have no idea if there is a God. Certainly science has not proven or disproved the existence … Continue reading
“Doubt is part of all religion. All the religious thinkers were doubters.”* My youngest daughter, Radhika, recently asked me if I believed in God. As she raised this question, she was quick to assert, with a note of defiance, that … Continue reading
“The religion that is afraid of science dishonors God and commits suicide.”* Dear Radhika, Here is simple example of what I mean by the separation of faith and belief. In philosophy it is not what a philosopher believes that makes … Continue reading