I left my hotel in Paris this morning by taxis and went to the Gare de Leon and boarded a train to Milan, Italy. Anna, if you recall I am a person who can not watch a movie or read a book unless I have already watched the movie or read the book. Well the same goes for travel. I feel at home in Italy now. The moment I stepped off the train and into Mlan train station Rome and Florence came to my mind. Because I spent so much time learning the workings of those stations, I knew exactly what to do in Milan.
I feel at home in Italy. Ah yes, Italy is about coffee. I love the cappincino and the expresso. Looking around the cities and country side I see the huge difference between the British, the French and now the Italians. The British are milky smooth and polite to a fault, the French are wired up and over embellished, and the Italians are laid back and round. Italy is earthy and natural compared to the France. Just look at the building facades, but that simplicity is disarming. Step inside and see the huge embellishment. The French like to show it off, the Italians keep it hidden. I also notice that every time I buy a soda or even water in Italy I get a small cup with it. This is class. Some of the older trains even have separate toilets for ladies and gents. This is class. I remember this from before but I had forgotten. Italy has a charm that cannot at first be seen. The country is not showy like France and therefore you take it for being backwards. I think I made this mistake last time. Now I am prepared for Italy. Italy and I will do just fine.